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East Course of Jeju

최종 수정일: 2023년 6월 13일


Forest: Its dense foliage, diverse flora and fauna, and tranquil atmosphere provide a peaceful retreat for reconnecting with nature and finding solace. This sacred place intertwines nature's splendor and cultural heritage, leaving a lasting impression on all who visit.


郁郁葱葱的树叶、多样的动植物群和宁静的气氛,为与大自然重新联系和寻找慰藉提供了宁静的休养之所。 这个神圣的地方交织着大自然的绚丽和文化遗产,给所有到访的人留下了永久的印象 Seongeup Folk Village: Seongeup Folk Village is a traditional village located in South Korea. It showcases the rural way of life and cultural heritage of the region. Visitors can explore traditional houses, observe traditional crafts, and learn about the customs and traditions of the local community.


城邑民俗村是位于韩国的传统村庄。 它展示了该地区的农村生活方式和文化遗产。 游客可以参观传统房屋,观察传统工艺,了解当地社区的风俗和传统。 Seopjikoji: Seopjikoji is a scenic coastal area in South Korea. It is famous for its breathtaking views of the ocean, cliffs, and lush green landscapes. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks along the coastal paths, admire the picturesque scenery, and take memorable photographs. Seongsan Ilchulbong Tuff Cone: Seongsan Ilchulbong, also known as the Sunrise Peak, is a volcanic crater located on Jeju Island, South Korea. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is renowned for its unique shape and beautiful views. Hiking to the top of the tuff cone rewards visitors with panoramic vistas, especially during sunrise.

涉地可支是韩国风景秀丽的海岸地区。 它以其令人惊叹的海洋、悬崖和郁郁葱葱的绿色景观而闻名。 游客可以悠闲地沿着海岸小径散步,欣赏风景如画,并拍摄令人难忘的照片。

城山一出峰凝灰岩:城山一出峰又名日出峰,是位于韩国济州岛的火山口。 它是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产,以其独特的形状和美丽的景色而闻名。 徒步到达凝灰岩锥顶部的游客可以欣赏到全景,特别是在日出时 Manjang Cave: Manjang Cave is a lava tube cave situated in Jeju Island, South Korea. It is one of the longest lava tubes in the world and offers visitors a chance to explore its fascinating geological formations. The cave is known for its intricate stalactites and stalagmites, making it a popular attraction for spelunking enthusiasts.


万丈洞窟是位于韩国济州岛的熔岩洞窟。 它是世界上最长的熔岩洞之一,为游客提供了探索其迷人的地质构造的机会。 这个洞穴以其复杂的钟乳石和石笋而闻名,使它成为洞穴探险爱好者的热门景点。 Woljeong-ri Beach: Woljeong-ri Beach is a picturesque beach located on the east coast of Jeju Island, South Korea. It features pristine white sand, crystal-clear waters, and a tranquil ambiance. Visitors can relax on the beach, swim, and enjoy various water activities such as snorkeling and kayaking.


月厅里海水浴场是位于韩国济州岛东海岸的美丽海水浴场。 它以纯净的白沙、清澈的水和宁静的氛围为特色。 游客可以在海边放松、游泳,还可以享受浮潜、皮艇等多种水上活动。


Theme Park

Rail Bike: A rail bike is a recreational activity where visitors can pedal along specially designed tracks on a modified bicycle-like vehicle. It allows people to enjoy scenic routes, often passing through picturesque landscapes and tunnels, while experiencing a fun and unique mode of transportation.


铁路自行车是一种娱乐活动,游客可以踏板沿着特别设计的轨道,在一个改造的自行车类车辆。 它使人们可以享受风景线,经常通过风景如画的景观和隧道,同时体验一种有趣和独特的交通方式 Eco Land It is an eco-friendly theme park located in Jeju Island, South Korea. It offers visitors a unique experience in a natural environment while promoting ecological awareness and sustainability. The park features various attractions and activities, including guided tours through lush forests, gardens, and meadows, as well as educational exhibits on ecology and conservation. Visitors can enjoy eco-friendly rides, learn about local flora and fauna, and appreciate the beauty of Jeju's natural landscapes. Eco Land aims to provide both entertainment and environmental education, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts and families.

它是位于韩国济州岛的环保主题公园。 它为游客提供了在自然环境中的独特体验,同时促进生态意识和可持续性。 公园内除了介绍郁郁葱葱的森林、庭院、草地外,还有生态及自然保育教育展览等多种看点和活动。 游客可以乘坐环保游乐设施,了解地区动植物,欣赏济州岛自然景观的美丽。 生态乐园旨在提供娱乐及环保教育,是热爱大自然及家庭的理想去处。 Stone Cultural Park:

Stone Cultural Park refers to a park or area dedicated to showcasing stone-related artifacts, sculptures, or cultural heritage. It may feature stone carvings, traditional stone craftsmanship, and exhibitions related to the historical and cultural significance of stones in a particular region.

石头文化公园是指展示与石头相关的文物、雕塑或文化遗产的公园或地区。 这里可以展示石雕、传统石工艺、特定地区的石材历史文化意义相关展览等。 Udo Island:

Udo Island is a small island located off the eastern coast of Jeju Island in South Korea. It is known for its beautiful beaches, coastal cliffs, and scenic landscapes. Visitors can explore the island by renting bicycles or electric cars, visit lighthouses, and enjoy fresh seafood.


牛岛是位于韩国济州岛东海岸的小岛。 它以其美丽的海滩、海岸峭壁和风景而闻名。 游客们可以租自行车或电动汽车到岛上探险,还可以参观灯塔,还可以品尝新鲜的海鲜。

Jeju Aqua Planet

is a popular aquarium located in Jeju Island, South Korea. It offers a fascinating underwater world experience with a variety of marine life exhibits, including colorful fish, sharks, penguins, and dolphins, providing entertainment and education for visitors of all ages.

济州水上行星是位于韩国济州岛的受欢迎的水族馆。 丰富多彩的鱼、鲨鱼、企鹅、海豚等海洋生物展品,为不同年龄的游客提供娱乐和教育,让他们在水下体验世界。


Activity and Relex

Riding a horse: Riding a horse involves sitting on the back of a trained horse and controlling its movements using reins and leg cues. It is a popular recreational activity, as well as a competitive sport. Horseback riding provides an opportunity to connect with nature, enjoy the outdoors, and experience the bond between humans and horses.


骑马包括坐在一匹训练有素的马背上,用缰绳和腿部暗示控制它的动作。 这是一项受欢迎的娱乐活动,也是一项竞技运动。 骑马是连接自然、享受户外、体验人与马的纽带的机会。 Zip line: A zip line is an adventurous activity that involves gliding through the air along a suspended cable or wire. Participants are usually harnessed to the cable and propelled by gravity, allowing them to travel at high speeds from one point to another. Zip lining offers a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping experience, often in scenic natural settings.


拉链线是一种冒险活动,包括沿着悬吊的电缆或电线在空中滑翔。 参与者通常被套在缆绳上,并由重力推动,使他们能够高速从一个点到另一个点。 拉链衬里提供了一个刺激和肾上腺素泵的经验,通常在风景优美的自然环境。 ATV: ATV stands for "all-terrain vehicle." It is a motorized vehicle designed to handle various terrains and off-road conditions. ATVs typically have large, rugged tires and

A foot bath is a relaxing and therapeutic practice where the feet are immersed in warm water infused with salts, essential oils, or herbs. It is a popular method for relieving stress, improving circulation, and soothing tired or achy feet. The warm water and added ingredients can help relax muscles, soften skin, and provide a calming sensation, making foot baths a rejuvenating experience for both physical and mental well-being.

这是一种放松和治疗的做法,脚浸泡在温水中,注入盐、精油或草药。 是缓解压力、改善血液循环、缓解疲劳或酸痛的常用方法。 温水和添加的成分可以帮助放松肌肉,软化皮肤,并提供平静的感觉,使足浴成为恢复身心健康的体验。

Performace and Show

Arirang Horn ( taekwondo performance)

A Taekwondo performance is a dynamic display of the Korean martial art known for its high kicks, fast strikes, and fluid movements. It showcases the discipline, skill, and precision of Taekwondo practitioners through choreographed routines, breaking techniques, and demonstrations of self-defense. The performances often include impressive acrobatics, board breaking, and synchronized movements, highlighting the power, agility, and grace of Taekwondo as both a sport and a traditional martial art.

跆拳道表演是以高踢、快打、流暢動作著稱的韓國武術的動感展示。 通過編排的舞步、破洞技術、自我防禦演示等,展現跆拳道練習者的修養、技術、精準度。 演出中經常出現令人印象深刻的雜技、劈板、同步動作等,突出跆拳道作爲體育和傳統武術的力量、敏捷性和優雅性。

Sky water show

The Sky Water Show in Jeju Island is a captivating spectacle that combines synchronized water fountains, colorful lights, and music to create a mesmerizing visual and auditory experience. Visitors can witness the stunning choreography of the water jets against the backdrop of the night sky, making it a must-see attraction in Jeju.

濟州島天空水秀是將同步噴泉、五顏六色的燈光、音樂融爲一體,展現出迷人的視覺和聽覺體驗的魅力。 以夜空爲背景,可以看到水上噴氣式飛機令人驚歎的舞蹈,是濟州島必去的景點。


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