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South course of Jeju

최종 수정일: 2023년 6월 15일


Mysterious Road: A fascinating optical illusion where objects appear to defy gravity, creating an intriguing phenomenon that leaves visitors bewildered.

一个迷人的视觉错觉,物体似乎无视重力,创造了一个有趣的现象,让参观者迷惑不解。 Hallasan Eorimok Entrance: The gateway to Hallasan, South Korea's highest peak, offering a starting point for hikers to embark on a memorable journey through breathtaking natural landscapes.

通往韩国最高峰汉拿山的大门是徒步旅行者通过令人窒息的自然景观踏上难忘旅程的出发点。 Hallasan Hill 1100: A scenic observation deck located on Hallasan Mountain, providing panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains.

位于汉拿山的山景瞭望台,可以眺望周围的山谷。 Cheonjeyeon Falls: A magnificent three-tiered waterfall, known as "The Pond of God," surrounded by lush vegetation and captivating natural beauty.

雄伟的三层瀑布,被称为"神池",周围植被茂盛,自然美景迷人。 Saekdal Beach:

A stunning sandy beach with clear blue waters and picturesque coastal scenery, perfect for sunbathing and relaxation.

一个令人惊叹的沙滩,清澈的蓝色水域和如画的海滨风景,完美的日光浴和放松。 Jusangjeollidae - Columnar joint: A natural wonder of towering hexagonal lava columns formed by volcanic activity, creating a striking coastal landscape.

火山活动形成的高耸六角形熔岩柱的自然奇观,创造了引人注目的海岸景观。 Yakcheonsa Temple, nestled in the serene landscapes of Jeju Island, is a majestic Buddhist temple known for its grandeur and spiritual significance. With its intricate architecture, ornate decorations, and tranquil atmosphere, it offers a place of worship and contemplation, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage and find inner peace amidst the lush surroundings

坐落在宁静的济州岛风景中,是一座雄伟的佛寺,以其雄伟壮丽和精神意义而闻名。 建筑精巧,装饰华丽,气氛幽静,为游客提供敬拜和沉思的场所,让游客沉浸在丰富的文化遗产中,在郁郁葱葱的环境中找到内心的宁静 Oedolgae: A towering rock formation rising from the sea, offering panoramic views of the coastline and a popular spot for hiking and photography.

高耸入云的岩石层从海上耸立起来,提供海岸线全景以及徒步旅行和摄影的热点。 Jeongbang Falls: One of the few waterfalls in the world that cascades directly into the ocean, known for its impressive height and scenic beauty.


Osulloc: Osulloc Tea Museum is a renowned destination in Jeju Island dedicated to the world of Korean tea. Set amidst lush green tea fields, the museum offers a fascinating exploration of tea culture, history, and traditions. Visitors can learn about the tea-making process, enjoy tea tastings, and admire various tea-related exhibits. With beautiful gardens, a teahouse, and a tea shop offering a wide selection of teas, the Osulloc Tea Museum provides a serene and educational experience for tea enthusiasts and those seeking a peaceful retreat in the embrace of nature.

茶博物馆是济州岛著名的韩国茶世界茶馆。 坐落在绿油油的绿茶园中,博物馆提供对茶文化、历史和传统的迷人的探索。 参观者可以了解制茶过程,欣赏品茶,欣赏各种与茶有关的展品。 奥苏洛茶博物馆拥有美丽的花园、一间茶馆和一家茶店,为茶迷和寻求在自然怀抱中平静静修的人提供了宁静而富有教育意义的体验。

Theme Park

Hueree Natural Ecological Park: A serene park filled with diverse flora and fauna, providing a peaceful escape and an opportunity for nature exploration.


The Museum is Alive "The Museum is Alive" in Jeju Island is an extraordinary theme park where the exhibits themselves are brought to life through animatronics and special effects. Visitors can witness statues moving, paintings coming to life, and historical figures engaging in interactive displays. It offers a one-of-a-kind experience, blending entertainment and education, and providing a magical journey through art, history, and imagination.

济州岛内的"博物馆还活着"是通过动画片和特效将展品本身生动地展现出来的特色主题公园。 参观者可以亲眼目睹雕像移动、绘画栩栩如生、历史人物参与互动展览。 它提供了独一无二的体验,融合了娱乐和教育,提供了艺术,历史和想象的神奇旅程。

Moominland: Enter the whimsical world of Moomins, beloved characters from Finnish literature, through themed attractions and enchanting settings.

通过主题景点和迷人的场景,进入芬兰文学中备受喜爱的穆明斯世界。 Hello Kitty Island: A paradise for Hello Kitty fans, featuring various attractions, exhibitions, and shops dedicated to the iconic Sanrio character.

一个Hello Kitty粉丝的天堂,以各种景点、展览和商店为标志的三丽欧卡通形象。

Activity and relex

Speed Jet Boat: Experience thrilling speed and adrenaline on a jet boat ride, gliding through the waters and enjoying a dose of excitement and adventure.


Yacht: Sail the sparkling waters in style aboard a luxurious yacht, indulging in a leisurely cruise and soaking up the coastal beauty.

乘坐豪华游艇,享受悠闲的游轮,尽情享受海岸美景 Submarine: Dive into the depths of the sea on a submarine excursion, witnessing the vibrant marine life and underwater wonders up close.


Jeju Jungmun Parasailing

is an exhilarating adventure activity offered in Jeju Island, South Korea. Participants are harnessed to a parachute and lifted into the air by a speedboat, providing breathtaking aerial views of the island's stunning coastline and turquoise waters. It's a unique opportunity to experience the thrill of flying while enjoying the natural beauty of Jeju.

是一个令人振奋的冒险活动,提供在韩国济州岛。 参加者被带入降落伞,并由快艇升空,提供令人叹为观止的岛屿海岸线和绿松石水域的空中景色。 这是可以一边欣赏济州岛的自然美景,一边体验飞行的刺激的独特机会。

Pistol Shooting Range

is a facility located in Jungmun, Jeju Island, South Korea, where visitors can try their hand at shooting with pistols. It offers a safe and controlled environment for both beginners and experienced shooters to practice their marksmanship skills. With various target distances and professional guidance, it's an exciting opportunity to experience the thrill of pistol shooting in a scenic setting.

手枪射击场是位于韩国济州岛中门的设施,游客可以尝试用手枪射击。 它为初学者和有经验的射击者提供了一个安全、有控制的环境,让他们练习射击技能。 通过多种目标距离和专业指导,在风景优美的环境中体验手枪射击的刺激性,是令人兴奋的机会。

Skin scuba in Jeju Island

refers to a snorkeling activity where participants explore the underwater world using only a mask, snorkel, and fins. It offers a unique opportunity to witness the island's vibrant marine life and beautiful coral reefs up close. With its crystal-clear waters and abundant marine biodiversity, Jeju Island provides an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts and snorkeling lovers alike.

济州岛潜水是指参加者只使用口罩、潜水器、鳍等,探索水下世界的潜水活动。 它提供了一个独特的机会,近距离见证岛上生机勃勃的海洋生物和美丽的珊瑚礁。 济州岛清澈的水域和丰富的海洋生物多样性,为热爱自然的人和潜水爱好者提供了难忘的体验。

Perfomance and Relex

Art Circus Show:

Jeju Island Art Circus is a captivating performance that combines acrobatics, dance, music, and visual effects to create a mesmerizing spectacle. With highly skilled performers showcasing breathtaking stunts, graceful movements, and artistic storytelling, the circus brings together elements of theater and circus arts to create an unforgettable experience for audiences. It showcases the beauty of human agility and creativity, leaving spectators in awe of the incredible talent and artistry on display.

濟州島藝術馬戲團是雜技、舞蹈、音樂、視覺效果相結合的魅力演出。 雜技團的表演技巧精湛,動作優美,加上講故事的藝術技巧,融合了劇場及雜技藝術元素,讓觀衆難忘。 展覽展示了人類敏捷和創造力的美麗,讓觀衆對展出的不可思議的天賦和藝術性感到敬畏。

Jeju Jumbo Village Elephant Performance

is a popular attraction in Jeju Island, South Korea. It features trained elephants showcasing their intelligence, agility, and cooperation through various performances, such as painting, playing musical instruments, and engaging in interactive activities with the audience, offering a unique and enchanting experience for visitors of all ages.

濟州珍寶村大象表演是韓國濟州島的一個熱門景點。 訓練有素的大象通過繪畫、樂器演奏、與觀衆進行互動活動等多種表演,展現智慧、敏捷和協作精神,爲所有年齡段的遊客提供獨特而迷人的體驗。

Pacific Land dolpin show

Jeju Pacific Land's dolphin performance showcases the incredible agility and intelligence of these marine mammals through a captivating show. The dolphins engage in synchronized swimming, acrobatic leaps, and interactive behaviors, creating an unforgettable experience that highlights their natural abilities and the bond between humans and dolphins.

濟州太平洋樂園的海豚表演通過迷人的表演,展示了這些海洋哺乳動物的驚人敏捷和智慧。 海豚進行同步游泳、雜技跳躍和互動行爲,創造了一個難忘的經歷,突出他們的自然能力和人與海豚之間的紐帶。

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